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The post Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Major Changes Coming to Search in 2025 appeared first on The Tach.

]]> Google CEO Sundar Pichai outlined new modifications that will alter the firm search engine, and, therefore, how users search for knowledge by 2025. These changes, underpinned by artificial intelligence (AI), are set to provide quicker, sharper, and much more personal search probing and production, reinventing Google Search.

At the recent New York Times’ DealBook Summit, I asked Sundar Pichai about the status and the future of search and he pointed to AI as central to this change. “Search itself will continue to change profoundly in 2025,” he stated  “I do believe that, let alone in early, there are newer things that search can do compared to the current state.” This aligns with Google constant application of AI technologies as a way of keeping up with the futuristic market.

Pivotal Role of Artificial Intelligence

AI has been among the key drivers in the innovation process at Google for several years, which enabled the company to create better and more targeted technologies. At the time, Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, noted using AI-based models like BERT in delivering linked values and enhanced MUM Med to generate more effective search outcomes.

However, from the assimilation of the three forms of artificial intelligence presented in this paper, the following facts will be evident by 2025: Such things as AIsummaries that are brief and accurate highlight the searched results are among the major trends that may enhance the understanding. Further, new features in Google Lens mean that users can now engage in web searches using videos, which not only makes information seeking easier but will also be more interactive. According to Sundar Pichai, over a billion users already interact with AI-powered tools such as Gemini-powered search features, illustrating the technology’s widespread impact.

Competition and Confidence

At the summit, Google CEO Sundar Pichai discussed that there is a stiff rivalry between Microsoft and OpenAI in the market. More so, earlier this year, Microsoft’s chief executive officer, Satya Nadella said that Google had a natural advantage in the race to AI because of the resources needed.

To these accusations, Pichai responded, “I challenge Microsoft to share models and then compare our models to Microsoft’s models.” They are using other people’s models.” His words are indicative of the company’s confidence in the proprietary artificial intelligence that it holds, which means the company is in the ring and so is at the frontier. This competition strengthens the affirmance of constant improvement since Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai vowed to deliver paramount advancements in AI.

Gemini Model: The Future of Search

Among the most eagerly awaited advances mentioned by Google CEO Sundar Pichai is the new version of the Gemini model. This kind of artificial intelligence is able to integrate both language and vision features for deep learning so that it can parse all kinds of queries and return highly personalized and relevant results.

Google Search Updates 2025
Source: bolnews

The Gemini model is considered an attempt to bolster Google against rivals such as Gemini model and the Gemini model With this update, Google Search will offer features such as Context-aware results, which adapt based on user intent. Enhanced visual search capabilities for seamless interaction with multimedia. Multilingual support for a global audience. These enhancements, guided by Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s vision, aim to redefine the standard of search.

Expanding the Scope of Search

The changes that Google is planning to make in its next upgrade of Google Search not only enhance the usability of the tool but also increase the scope. They opine that using AI the search engine will be more user-friendly to users from all backgrounds. Such components as real-time translation, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and contextual suggestions will help Google Search to remain relevant to people in different parts of the world. These milestones are in sync with the intent of Google CEO Sundar Pichai who has promised equitable access to innovation and the best technology.

Ensuring Fair Use and Compensation

More recently, issues relative to ownership and fair remuneration for creators have become issues of public discourse given the increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence across the digital ecosystem. During the meeting, Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai discussed this problem stating that there is no need to put creators or legislators in opposition to technology developers.

Google has already established licensing agreements with platforms like Reddit, the Associated Press, and The New York Times to ensure that content creators are compensated fairly. Furthermore, Sundar Pichi talked about immutability and the idea of a future market where creators would create model content and if it is going to be used by AI models will directly compensate them for their work.

Navigating the Age of Information Overload

Since today’s modern society produces enormous amounts of information in mere seconds, search has never been an object of such paramount importance. Google CEO Sundar Pichai was also keen on the need to reinvent how Google Search can assist users in addressing this phenomenon.

“As in a world full of content, search becomes even more important,” said Pichai. The massive transformation planned for 2025 should increase Google’s capacity to serve up the best, most accurate, and timely results.

Google Vision for 2025 and Beyond

Moving forward,  Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai continues to focus on advancing knowledge in AI technology. By redesigning and upgrading such fundamental features as Gemini, Google Lens, and artificially intelligent summaries, the company is gradually getting ready to switch tomorrow’s search to a different mode.

AI-powered search transformation
Source: proPakistani

So, by addressing the needs of users, controlling the level of competition, and fairly rewarding creators Google is preparing the company for the title of leader in the sphere of the IT market. The shifts outlined below are all but revolutionary and made possible by Google CEO Sundar Pichai vision of the future digital experience.


Google CEO Sundar Pichai has laid down the motion for a complete reinvention of Google Search within the next 4 years. Core to this approach AI and some of the things that will result from it include but are not limited to the Gemini model, better summaries, and the ability to search for images using AI.  By addressing challenges like competition and content creator compensation, Google demonstrates its commitment to innovation and inclusivity. All these lead to information overload and as such Google AI will continue to develop ways through which users get accurate information. With the leadership of Pichai, these updates will keep Google at the frontier of the technological world, reinventing itself in the way search engines transform the world. The profound changes ahead highlight Google’s vision to keep search essential in the evolving digital landscape.


What major updates will Google Search introduce in 2025?

Google Search will integrate AI-driven features, including Gemini updates and AI summaries.

How does Google ensure fair compensation for content creators?

Creators are compensated through licensing agreements and a proposed future marketplace.

What did Google CEO Sundar Pichai say about Microsoft’s AI models?

Pichai questioned Microsoft’s reliance on OpenAI, highlighting Google’s proprietary AI technology.

How will the Gemini model improve search capabilities?

The Gemini model combines language comprehension and visual learning, enabling smarter results.

The post Google CEO Sundar Pichai: Major Changes Coming to Search in 2025 appeared first on The Tach.

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