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The post Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding to Redefine Restaking on BNB Chain appeared first on The Tach.

]]> Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding has reached a crucial step in designing new Restacking solutions for the BNB Chain network. It is a great recognition for Kernel but also a major step in rethinking trust decentralization and scalability in the cryptosphere. The Binance coin, BNB through Kernel with the backing of Binance Labs will now strengthen BNB’s economic security to become a programmable trust. On a positive note, such a shift will benefit not only Apps, middleware, and the rest of the crypto market but also developers and users of such software.

A Pivotal Achievement for Kernel and the BNB Chain

The announcement that Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding highlights the trust and confidence of major players in the crypto industry in Kernel’s vision. This strategic partnership enables Kernel to focus on advancing restaking infrastructure, addressing key challenges, and unlocking the full potential of BNB Chain’s staking ecosystem. The funding will be directed toward Kernel’s innovative mission to integrate native and liquid staking tokens (LSTs), transforming BNB’s staking architecture. Bernel aims to foster a shared economic security ecosystem, by offering a programmable security framework facilitating the creation of scalable DeFi applications.

Kernel’s Innovative Approach to Restaking

Kernel design uniquely integrates native and liquid staking tokens (LSTs) from BNB Chain, Bitcoin, and other yield-generating assets. These integrations allow users to maximize the potential of their staking assets while enhancing capital efficiency across multiple blockchain networks. Developers benefit from Kernel’s platform as it offers tools to bootstrap projects efficiently, using shared economic security to reduce overhead and increase scalability. As Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding, the team is now better positioned to deliver developer-friendly solutions that enhance the utility and security of staking assets.

Unlocking the Potential of Economic Security

The funding will accelerate Kernel’s efforts to unlock the economic security of BNB Chain. By converting staking assets into a programmable trust, Kernel fosters the growth of a more resilient and scalable DeFi ecosystem. This shift promises to create new opportunities for innovation across Web3 applications.

Achievements that Define Kernel’s Progress

Before announcing that Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding, the company had already made significant strides in its mission to enhance BNB Chain’s ecosystem. These achievements include Total Value Locked (TVL): Over $1 billion in staking assets secured. Layer-2 Integrations: More than 10 partnerships for improved blockchain scalability. DeFi Collaborations: Over 120 integrations, expanding the reach of Kernel’s solutions. Unique Users: Over 300,000 addresses are actively engaged in its platform. These milestones highlight Kernel’s ability to innovate and create a scalable infrastructure for DeFi growth.

$10 Million Raised in Funding Rounds

The announcement that Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding includes details about the $10 million raised across multiple rounds. Kernel has received support from prominent investors such as SCB Limited, Laser Digital, Bankless Ventures, Draper Dragon, and many others.

BNB Chain restacking solutions

This funding solidifies Kernel’s financial foundation, enabling the team to advance its mission of redefining restocking on the BNB Chain. The backing from well-known investors demonstrates industry confidence in Kernel’s innovative solutions.

The Role of Binance Labs in Kernel’s Success

Finance Labs’ support is crucial. Finance Labs plays a crucial role in helping Kernel scale its operations and introduce BNB Liquid Staking Tokens (LSTs). These tokens will serve as economic security to power DeFi applications, offering users and developers a more flexible and scalable infrastructure for their projects.

Kernel’s Vision for DeFi Innovation

As Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding, its vision for the future becomes clearer. Kernel plans to use this funding to accelerate the adoption of restacking technologies on the BNB Chain. These technologies will not only increase the scalability of existing DeFi applications but also open doors to entirely new use cases. By integrating staking tokens with Layer-2 solutions, Kernel ensures improved scalability and utility. This shared economic security model encourages developers to build innovative Web3 applications, reducing barriers to entry and enabling seamless collaboration within the ecosystem.

Driving Growth Across the Crypto Ecosystem

Kernel vision aligns with the broader goals of enhancing BNB Chain’s DeFi landscape. By focusing on retaking infrastructure, Kernel is creating a foundation for decentralized, scalable trust that benefits developers, investors, and end-users. The announcement that Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding marks an important step in this journey.

Co-Founder’s Perspective on Binance Labs’ Support

Amitej G., Co-Founder of Kernel, shared his enthusiasm about the funding and partnership with Binance Labs. “By leveraging rrestackingsolutions, Kernel is driving greater utility and scalability for BNB-based assets while laying the groundwork for a more resilient and developer-friendly restocking and DeFi landscape. We are thrilled to have the support of Binance Labs to bring the vision of restacking to life across Web3. Their backing has been instrumental in helping Kernel build the foundation for a more secure, scalable, and utility-rich restacking and DeFi ecosystem on BNB Chain.” This statement underscores the collaborative spirit between Kernel and Binance Labs. Together, they aim to redefine the standards for restacking infrastructure on BNB Chain.

The Future of Restaking on BNB Chain

The announcement that Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding sets the stage for transformative changes in the crypto ecosystem. With its focus on programmable trust and scalable solutions, Kernel is poised to lead innovation in BNB Chain’s restaking infrastructure. Kernel users, developers, and investors will reap from the newfound economic security model that offers the required freedom of expansion to unlock potential in DeFi solutions. The adoption of BNB Liquid Staking Tokens, as well as the use of Layer-2 solutions, brings value to the BNB ecosystem.

BNB Liquid Staking Tokens

Decentralized trust is the ultimate solution for web3 delivery, and therefore, it should be unlocked. Ongoing development in the Web3 space will ensure Kernel’s contribution to restaking technologies becomes critical in the future of trust within the ecosystem. This way, Kernel remains committed to creating capital-efficient solutions and experiences that keep BNB Chain at the forefront of crypto innovation.


Kernel’s partnership with Binance Labs signifies a major step toward redefining restaking on BNB Chain. With $10 million raised and significant milestones achieved, Kernel aims to bring transformative innovations to the DeFi ecosystem. By integrating BNB Liquid Staking Tokens and shared economic security models. Kernel empowers developers and users to maximize the potential of their assets. The funding strengthens Kernel’s position to lead the evolution of BNB Chain’s staking architecture. Driving decentralized trust, scalability, and utility for the crypto ecosystem and Web3 applications.


How has Kernel impacted the BNB Chain ecosystem?

Kernel has enhanced BNB Chain’s staking capabilities, improving utility and scalability for assets.

What makes Kernel’s restaking solutions unique?

Kernel offers shared economic security, integrating staking tokens with enhanced DeFi solutions.

Who supported Kernel’s $10 million funding round?

Prominent investors, including Binance Labs, SCB Limited, and Draper Dragon, contributed.

What are Kernel’s plans for the BNB Chain?

Kernel plans to launch BNB Liquid Staking Tokens, boosting DeFi scalability and innovation.

How does Binance Labs’ support benefit Kernel?

The funding enables Kernel to redefine restaking and scale its infrastructure efficiently.

The post Kernel Secures Binance Labs Funding to Redefine Restaking on BNB Chain appeared first on The Tach.

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