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Google CEO Sundar Pichai<\/strong> outlined new modifications that will alter the firm search engine<\/strong>, and, therefore, how users search for knowledge by 2025. These changes, underpinned by artificial intelligence (AI<\/strong>), are set to provide quicker, sharper, and much more personal search probing and production, reinventing Google Search.<\/strong><\/p>\n\n\n\n At the recent New York Times\u2019 DealBook Summit, I asked Sundar Pichai about the status and the future of search and he pointed to AI<\/strong> as central to this change. \u201cSearch itself will continue to change profoundly in 2025,\u201d he stated \u201cI do believe that, let alone in early, there are newer things that search can do compared to the current state.\u201d This aligns with Google constant application <\/strong>of AI technologies<\/strong> as a way of keeping up with the futuristic market.<\/p>\n\n\n\n AI<\/strong> has been among the key drivers in the innovation process at Google for several years, which enabled the company to create better and more targeted technologies. At the time, Google\u2019s CEO, Sundar Pichai, <\/strong>noted using AI-based models<\/strong> like BERT<\/strong> in delivering linked values and enhanced MUM<\/strong> Med to generate more effective search outcomes.<\/p>\n\n\n\n However, from the assimilation of the three forms of artificial intelligence<\/strong> presented in this paper, the following facts will be evident by 2025: Such things as AIsummaries that are brief and accurate highlight the searched results are among the major trends that may enhance the understanding. Further, new features in Google Lens<\/strong> mean that users can now engage in web searches using videos, which not only makes information seeking easier but will also be more interactive. According to Sundar Pichai, over a billion users already interact with AI-powered tools such as Gemini-powered search features<\/strong>, illustrating the technology\u2019s widespread impact.<\/p>\n\n\n\n At the summit, Google CEO Sundar Pichai <\/strong>discussed that there is a stiff rivalry between Microsoft and OpenAI<\/strong> in the market. More so, earlier this year, Microsoft\u2019s chief<\/strong> executive officer, Satya Nadella<\/strong> said that Google had a natural advantage in the race to AI because of the resources needed.<\/p>\n\n\n\n To these accusations, Pichai responded, \u201cI challenge Microsoft to share models and then compare our models to Microsoft\u2019s models.\u201d They are using other people\u2019s models.\u201d His words are indicative of the company\u2019s confidence in the proprietary artificial intelligence that it holds, which means the company is in the ring and so is at the frontier. This competition strengthens the affirmance of constant improvement since Google\u2019s CEO Sundar Pichai <\/strong>vowed to deliver paramount advancements in AI<\/strong>.<\/p>\n\n\n\n Among the most eagerly awaited advances mentioned by Google CEO Sundar Pichai<\/strong> is the new version of the Gemini model<\/strong>. This kind of artificial intelligence is able to integrate both language and vision features for deep learning so that it can parse all kinds of queries and return highly personalized and relevant results.<\/p>\n\n\nPivotal Role of Artificial Intelligence<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n
Competition and Confidence<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n
Gemini Model: The Future of Search<\/strong><\/h2>\n\n\n\n