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Activating Cyber Resilience on AWS with Commvault

Data protection is essential for reliability and sustainability in today’s digital world. Cyberattacks that focus may cause operational problems, reputational damage, and lost money. There are other ways they can appear, such as security flaws or malware. Businesses need reliable solutions to protect their data and reduce risks as they depend more and more on cloud-based services like Amazon Web Services (AWS). With its all-inclusive solution, Commvault’s Cyber Resilience Platform on AWS gives enterprises improved the field of cybersecurity, robust data protection, and recovery.

This post will discuss the value of cyber resilience, how Commvault’s AWS resilience capabilities function, and why today’s enterprises need to use this platform.

Understanding the Significance of Cyber Resilience

Cyber safety goes beyond standard cybersecurity by highlighting how firms can continue with their activities even in the case of a cyber disaster. Resilience in cyberspace means defending against threats, recovering from attacks, and adjusting protocols to avoid new vulnerabilities. Cyber resilience puts operating business systems first and minimizes harm, as opposed to just averting attacks.

Since data is one of a business’s most important assets, cyber resilience is essential. Even a single data loss or outage event can result in serious consequences. Cyber resilience ensures that services and data are accessible even in the face of difficulties by fostering trust between businesses and their clients in addition to offering safety.

Today’s businesses are always worried about cybersecurity

cybersecurity, which covers defected virus infections, ransomware, and fraudulent transactions via email. Cash damages, business loss, and reputational harm are all possible outcomes of a cyber.

Beyond risk reduction, cyber security has further benefits for businesses.

Enhanced Trust: Customers are more inclined to trust a business that has a confirmed resilience plan in place. They seek reassurance regarding the security and accessibility of their data.

Compliance: Businesses may adhere to strict data protection rules in several industries by using resilience solutions.

Lower Expenses: A resilient company can bounce back from setbacks fast, which cuts down on lost time and related expenses.

AWS provides a solid base for cyber resilience because it is a scalable and secure cloud architecture. Businesses can guarantee the protection, recoverability, and accessibility of their vital data and applications by combining Commvault’s technology with AWS.

Cyber resilience

Synopsis of Commvault’s Amazon Web Services Cyber Resilience Platform

In order to provide a comprehensive resilience solution, Commvault’s Cyber Resilience Platform on AWS integrates threat monitoring, data backup, recovery, and flexible storage. Because of this platform’s special design for multi-cloud and hybrid settings, companies that use AWS may effortlessly handle their recovery and data protection plans.

The Cyber Resilience Platform from Commvault has several noteworthy characteristics, such as:

Automated Data Backup: Regular data backups shield data from unintentional loss or malicious attack.

Fast Data Recovery: Businesses may minimize downtime by restoring data fast with the help of rapid recovery tools.

Threat Identification and Monitoring: By combining security monitoring, Commvault is able to identify and eliminate risks before they cause data loss.

Scalable, Economical Storage: Commvault’s AWS infrastructure expands and changes to meet the demands of the company as it grows.

Through the utilization of AWS’s infrastructure, Commvault makes cyber resilience affordable and accessible by letting businesses only pay for the resources they really utilize.

The Platform’s Essential Elements and How They Promote Cyber Resilience

A solid resilience plan must have the following essential components, all of which are present in Commvault’s Cyber Resilience Platform:

Automatic Info Recovery and Backup: Commvault ensures that information is frequently backed up and stored securely on AWS. Due to continuous restores, companies have no reason to fret about out of date information if they need to retrieve it.

Quick and Effective Data Recovery: During a cyber disaster, recovery time is crucial, and Commvault makes sure that companies can get their data back fast. The AWS platform from Commvault reduces downtime by restoring data with minimal effect on business operations.

Tools for Threat Detection and Reaction: For the purpose of locating and eliminating possible threats, threat detection is crucial.The platform from Commvault has integrated threat monitoring, which guards against unwanted access to data and assists in the early detection of criminal behavior.

Flexible, Scalable Storage Options: Businesses can only pay for the storage they use using AWS’s scalable storage options. This adaptability aids businesses in controlling expenses and modifying storage to suit their requirements.

Advantages of the AWS Cyber Resilience Platform from Commvault

Numerous advantages offered by Commvault’s digital resilience Systems on AWS enhance a business’s capacity to handle cyberattacks.

These advantages help organizations strengthen their data security, streamline operations, and protect customer trust.

  • Cost Efficiency: Businesses save money by paying for resources only as needed, making it accessible to companies of all sizes.
  • Regulatory Enforcement: By offering safe, legal solutions for keeping information and wellness, Commvault’s fluid assists businesses in adhering to data protection laws.
  • Data Centralization and Visibility: Commvault offers a single view of data across environments, making it easier for businesses to manage and monitor data.
  • Enhanced Customer Trust: With reliable backup, recovery, and security in place, businesses can assure customers that their data is safe.

Getting Started with Commvault’s Platform on AWS

Starting with Commvault on AWS is straightforward for businesses already using AWS. Here are some basic steps to begin:

Sign up via the AWS Marketplace: A simplified setup is possible since Commvault’s solution is accessible through the AWS Marketplace.

Select the Preferences for Backup and Recovery: Choose the data you wish to backup, then schedule it according to your business needs.

Turn on Threat Detection: Set up early warning systems and security and monitoring tools to detect threats.

Test your recovery and backups frequently. Businesses can address any problems before an incident occurs by conducting periodic testing to guarantee backup and recovery systems are operating as intended.

Observe and modify the settings as necessary: Regularly check the security and data protection settings to make sure the platform is suitable for your present business requirements.

When paired with AWS, Commvault’s platform offers a dependable, adaptable, and user-friendly solution that is simple to modify to meet the requirements of various businesses.


Given the increasing number of security threats, modern businesses need to give cyber resiliency top priority. With integrated security protections, fast recovery options, and automated backups to safeguard sensitive data, Commvault’s Cyber Resilience Platform on AWS offers a reliable solution. Businesses can now construct a complete and affordable resilience strategy thanks to Commvault’s enhanced features made possible by AWS’s scalable infrastructure.

Businesses may protect their data, minimize downtime, and uphold customer trust by investing in cyber resilience. The platform from Commvault is a useful and approachable resource for businesses trying to remain ready in the volatile digital landscape.


1. What makes Commvault’s platform unique for AWS users?

Commvault’s solution integrates backup, recovery, and security tools specifically tailored for AWS. Its features are flexible, allowing businesses to manage data across cloud and hybrid environments seamlessly.

2. Is Commvault’s product appropriate for small companies?

It is true that Commvault’s cyber resilience platform’s pricing and scalability give small and medium-sized organizations an advantage over rival options.

3. To what extent does the Commvault platform assist in the case of a cyberattack?

Businesses may access data from Commvault quickly after an event, minimizing downtime and ensuring uninterrupted operations.

4. Does Commvault on AWS adhere to regulations for industrial compliance?

Indeed, Commvault’s technology lowers the risk of non-compliance by monitoring and managing data. Securely and assisting businesses in adhering to several industry standards.

5. How safe is the AWS cyber resilience platform from Commvault?

Commvault combines AWS’s sturdy infrastructure with strong encryption, automated backups, and integrated threat monitoring to provide a safe and reliable data management system.

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